Protest in Munich – Recover all Pakistani Activists

Freitag - 20.01.2017
16:15 - 17:30



In the first week of January 2017 five Pakistani social media activists known for their critical and secular views were abducted from different parts of Pakistan. All of them were vocal on social media, critizising the military and the rise of religious extremisim in the country. Although nobody/no institution has yet claimed responsibility for the kidnapping officially, the circumstances quite obviously indicate a planned and organized attempt by state authorities to silence left-wing, liberal activism. ‚Disappearnces‘ of all kinds of political activists from all territories of Pakistan is not new to its residents and the people who have been studying the country. In solidarity with the victims of state oppression, we invite you to stand with us in a hope of their coming home safe, and having a good time with their families again.
Who Are We? We are group of Pakistanis-living in Munich, Half Pakistanis-married with germans, students, and anthropologists, connected with one another and forming an interesting family.

Here are more details on the disappearances:
Human Rights Watch:
Amnesty International:
International Lawyers Guild:

In past few days, these activists have been falsely being charged of blasephemy by religious extremists in Pakistan, this has put the life of these individuals in danger even after their safe return. We condemn these false charges and maligning attitude targetting those who have been raising the slogans and voices for political and religious minorities in Pakistan

In ersten Januar Wochen verschwanden mindestens fünf pakistanische Online Aktivisten, welche für ihre kritischen und sekularen Ansichten bekannt waren, aus verschiedenen Teilen des Landes spurlos. Sie alle kritisierten in den sozialen Medien das pakistanische Militär und religiösen Extremismus. Auch wenn sich bisher noch keiner zu den Entführungen bekannt hat, deuten die Umstände und das fast gleichzeitige Verschwinden auf eine geplante Aktion staatlicher Stellen (des Geheimdienstes/Militärs) hin, um linke liberale Stimmen zu unterdrücken. Ein solches „Verschwinden“ kritischer Stimmen, politischer Aktivisten und Journalisten ist in Pakistan leider keine Seltenheit In Solidarität mit den Opfern staatlicher Repression, laden wir euch ein mit uns für ein sicheres Heimkehren aller Aktivisten zu protestieren.

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